Children exercise all the time without even thinking about it. Just
being active is a kind of exercise. Playing sports, dancing, doing push-ups,
and even reaching down to touch toes are forms of exercise.
When you exercise, you are building a strong body that is able to move
around and do everything it wants to do. If you are active every day, be sure
your body will thank you one day!
When you are activate, your body requires extra calories or energy. If
you eat more calories than your body needs, it gets stored as excess fats. This
fat accumulates, making you obese or overweight.
Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic means “with air,” so aerobic exercise is an activity that
requires oxygen. When you breathe you take in oxygen, and while doing aerobics
exercises, your breathe get faster than normal. Aerobic activity makes you
sweet and quickens your breathing; it also makes your heart pump well.
Swimming, basketball, jogging (or walking quickly), football, skipping,
jumping rope, and playing hopscotch are aerobic activities, too!
Exercise Makes You
Feel Good
It feels good to have a strong, flexible body that can do all the
activities you enjoy—like running, jumping, and playing with your friends. When
you exercise, your brain releases a chemical called endorphins-ins which makes
you feel happy.
Exercise Strengthens
Your Muscles
Exercise helps make your muscles stronger. Have you ever tried tour
hand at push-ups, or swinging across the monkey bars at the playground? These exercises
build strength. Here are some exercises and activities to build strong
muscles—push-ups, pull-ups, tug-of-war, rowing, running, cycling.
Exercises for a
flexible body
Tumbling and gymnastics, yoga, dancing, martial arts, simple stretches,
such as touching your toes or side stretches are helpful for a flexible body.
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