Dinosaurs part 2

                                 DINOSAURS PART- 2

Dino Teeth

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Hadrosaurus teeth
The Dinosaurs had several sets of teeth. Whenever they lost a tooth a new one grow to replace it! The Hadrosaurs had around 960 cheek teeth while the Ornithomimids had no teeth.

Dino Bite

The Tyrannosaurus Rex had the most powerful bite than any other creature that ever roamed the Earth. It had three-and-a-half times more force than the Great White Shark. (According to a new research).

Lengthy Dino

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Seismosaurus is regarded as the longest known dinosaur till date. If converted into a double decker bus, a single one might be as long as five buses standing in a row.

Dino terror

Tyrannosaurus Rex was one of the most ferocious dinosaurs amongst all. A single bite of this powerful hunter could measure up to 230 kilograms of meat.
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However, when it came to looks, the 21 tons heavy Spinosaurus stole the show with its gigantic structure and huge sail on the back. Allosaurus was yet another fearsome predator and one of the most dangerous dinosaurs of the Jurassic.
The Rajasaurus, with its single frontal horn was also a scary dinosaur.

Speedy Dino

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The dinosaurs had a varied body size and structure, so there was also a great variety in the speed of their movement. Ornithomimids are believed to be the fastest dinosaurs that ever lived. Some long-legged varieties (such as Dromiceioimus) could run up to 60 kilometres per hour. However, most of the bigger ones were not very fast. Their heavy size and small forelimbs did not allow them to move very fast.

The end of Dino

Around 65 million years ago, all the different varieties of dinosaurs became extinct in a very short span of time. Several other species were also wiped off. There are several theories which try to explain why this happened. However, most scientists agree that a major change in temperature of the Earth led to the extinction of these animals. It is also believed that an asteroid or comet might have struck the Earth or a massive volcano eruption could have choked the skies and wiped out the species.

Thanks for reading ^_^ also read dinosaurs part 1 , names of dinosaurs and dinosaurs 3


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