SPIDER FACTS.....                                                        Image result for spider

  • Spiders are arachnids, not insects.

  • Spiders have 8 legs while insects have 6.

  • Spiders don’t have antennae while insects do.

  • Spiders are found on every continent of the world except Antarctica.

  • There are around 40000 different species of spider.

  • Most spiders make silk which they use to create spider webs and capture prey.

  • Abandoned spider webs are called cobwebs.

  • Most spiders are harmless to humans but a few spider species, such as the black widow, can bite humans and inject venom. Deaths from spider bites are rare however.

  • An abnormal fear of spiders is called ‘arachnophobia’.

  • Tarantulas are large and often hairy spiders, the biggest species have been known to kill mice, lizards and birds.

  • Most tarantula species pose no threat to humans.

  • The largest specie of tarantula is the Goliath Birdeater.

  • Giant Huntsman spiders have leg-spans of around 30cm (12 in).


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