SPACE MISSIONS

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chandrayaan 1
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It all began in the year 1957 when about a basketball size object weighing 84 kilograms called Sputnik became the first man-made object to circle the earth. It was earth’s first artificial satellite. Remember – the moon is earth’s only Natural Satellite. Today the earth has thousands of artificial satellites that are mainly used for mobile phones and television. Most of them are quite small, however one called ISS (International Space Station) is of a football field. Like many artificial satellites, the ISS can be seen from Earth with the naked eye. It looks like a star in our night sky. Scientists from world over have been sending un-manned space crafts to study the solar systems. Some of these space crafts just fly by various solar system bodies like Voyagers did whereas some circle them like Chandrayaan 1 circled the Moon. Some even land on them like Cassini Huygens probe landed on planet Saturn’s Moon Titan. Some missions had robots that explored the surfaces of various bodies of the solar system like rovers named Spirit and Opportunity that explored Mar’s (Martian) surface.


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