BODY LANGUAGE

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Body language
It is wrong to assume that we communicate only when we speak or write. Even when we are not speaking or writing, we may be communicating something. That is done through the use of our body. In fact non-verbal (without words) cues speak louder than the words. Non-verbal communication refers to body movement, appearance, tone of voice, gestures among other things. These silent signals have a strong effect on the receiver. In conversations, our facial expressions contribute 55% to the meaning making; tone 38% and spoken words contribute only 7% to the process. The human face can display 250,000 different expressions. Raising or lowering your eyebrows, squinting the eyes, swallowing nervously, clenching the jaw, smiling broadly, etc. add to the meaning of words. Looking straight into the eyes and saying something shows trust and truthfulness. Even the physical appearance – clothing, gait, postures, etc. – helps us to form opinions and judgments about the other person. We feel that if a person stands erect, he is proud; a person with hunched shoulders is generally shy. But many such clues are not the same all over the world. Every culture interprets them differently. For example, showing the thumb may be a sign of ‘like’ to some of us but in some cultures it is a rude gesture.


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