         Penguins are found on almost every island in the southern hemisphere, from the tropical Galapagos Islands located near South America to Antarctica to Antarctica. They are aquatic birds that spend up to seventy-five per cent of their lives in water. Their prey can be found within sixty feet of the surface and so they need not dive very deep in the water. They catch their prey in their beaks and swallow them whole as they swim.  
          Penguins are social birds and many species feed and swim together. They form groups called ‘rookeries’ during nesting and there are thousands of penguins in these groups. Each penguin has a distinct call that allows individuals to find their mate or their chicks even in these large groups. Penguins sit on their eggs for a long time. Their eggs take from one month to sixty-six days to hatch.  

 penguin is around 1m tall but one species known as the fairy penguin ...


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