
The Earth revolves around the Sun while the Moon revolves around the Earth. Due to the revolutions, the position of the Earth and the Moon cast their shadows on each other. This blocks the Sunlight and causes eclipses to occur.

Lunar Eclipse

A lunar eclipse takes place when the Sun, Earth and Moon are in the same line. When the Earth comes between the Sun and Moon, the shadow of the Earth falls on the Moon. So we are unable to see the Moon from the Earth. In other words, the Moon gets hidden from our view.

When the Moon is completely in the dark shadow caused by the Earth, it is known as a total lunar eclipse.

When the Moon is partly hidden by the Earth’s shadow, it is known as a partial lunar eclipse.  

As the Moon continues revolving, it moves out of the straight line and can be seen again.

This indicates that the eclipse is over.

 Image result for lunar eclipse diagram<-<-lunar eclipse

Solar Eclipse

During a solar eclipse, the Moon comes between the Sun and Earth. Thus, the Moon blocks out the sunlight and the shadow of the Moon falls on some part of the Earth. This is called a solar eclipse.
Solar eclipse can be partial or total.  

If the complete disc of the Sun is hidden by the Moon, then it results in a complete solar eclipse.

If a part of Sun is hidden, then it results in partial solar eclipse.

Once the Moon moves out of this position, the Sun can be seen again. This indicates that the eclipse is over.                                                                                                                              
Image result for solar eclipse diagram<-<-solar eclipse



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