Great Blue Heron

>>The Great Blue herons are waders, typically seen along coastlines, in marshes, or near the shores of ponds or streams.

>>They found inhabiting parts of North America, as well as the Caribbean and the Galapagos Islands.

>>The primary food for great blue heron is small fish, though it is also known to opportunistically feed on a wide range of shrimp, crabs, aquatic insects, rodents, and other small mammals, amphibians, reptiles and birds.

>>Though they hunt alone, they typically nest in colonies. They prefer tall trees, but sometimes nest in low shrubs.

>>They have been known to choke to death by attempting to swallow fish too large for their long, S-shaped necks.

>>Great Blue Herons's size (1-1.4 meters)  and wide wingspan (1.7 - 2 metres) make them a joy to see in flight. They can cruise at some 32 to 48 kilometres an hour.



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